The process of learning and teaching is cyclical in nature and for better or worse, it continues as we venture out into the less than perfect environment to share what we have learnt. The experience has been an interesting one and I can safely say that this learning can only be sustained through practice. I still feel that small lament within me that says, there is so much that is not in place to really see this revolution of technology integration work. The most significant thing that I will take away from this though is the understanding of what integrating technology into the curriculum means.” Technology is both a facilitator of literacy and a medium of literacy.” Biancarosa,& Snow(2004). Reading next-a vision for action and research in middle and high school literacy: A report to carnegie corporation of New York. New York: Alliance for Excellent Education.
I am going to use the fairy tale to parallel what this change actually means. Let’s imagine that Cinderella or Snow White or even the Beast decided to live the very same way that they did before their dramatic climax and change. The point being, in their new lives they would now have within their means the resources to make some changes, particularly after coming out of such bad experiences. The tragedy would be that they chose to just keep their new found favor to themselves and not have others share in their good fortune. The happily ever after gets a little tainted and our much loved characters seem a little less noble. The converse is the people coming out of the woodworks expecting an easy ride because there is someone else to do ‘the stuff’
So, let’s promise to share our good fortune and have others join in our maybe not so much happily ever after,but most certainly in the joys of having our students interact with technology in a meaningful and life changing way.